Men often worry about the size of their penis. Is it really worth worrying and what to do to reduce anxiety by increasing something else - you will understand if you read this article.
What penis size is considered normal?
On average, the size of the male penis varies from nine to twelve to thirteen centimeters. This is considered average or normal in terms of length. This figure varies slightly depending on the country, but not very significantly.
The average penis circumference (erected and at its thickest point) is nine to eleven centimeters.
So if your erect penis falls within this range, congratulations, you are a perfectly normal, average man and most likely have absolutely nothing to worry about.
And maybe your penis is even on the upper limit of normal or exceeds it, who knows? Maybe you really are a sex giant!
What kind of shrimp do women like?
In fact, as a rule, women generally don't think much about the size of a man's penis. According to statistics, it is true that they prefer a penis slightly larger than average, but in general they often focus on other aspects: on a man's ability to give pleasure, on understanding female physiology (in other words, a man realizes that the main center of female pleasure is the clitoris, and not the vagina), on sexual liberation and sensitivity.
And, as many stories told by men with big dicks confirm, they are much more likely to have problems with their partners, and girls are much more likely to run away from them in terror than jump into bed with enthusiasm, open your legs as they fly.
The fact is that a large penis is much more difficult for a girl to suck on herself - more lubrication is required (you need to turn to third-party lubricants from sex shops), she must be much moreexcited, because otherwise such penetration will simply be painful. Often girls break up with owners of large penises precisely for this reason: sex with them is not pleasant, but simply causes pain.
Plus, it can be harder for those with extra-large genitalia to come because it's harder for the circulatory system to supply blood to such a large organ, so it requires longer stimulation. When a girl is penetrated, such stimulation can simply rub everything and also cause pain, and during oral sex, the girl will simply get tired.
So jokes about "honey, are you in yet? " - these are often just jokes, and girls care very little about the size of their penis. With any penis size you can be a great lover, the main thing here is not your anatomical details, but how much you understand sexual matters and how well you can listen to a girl.
But if the question of size still bothers you, then. . .
How to enlarge the penis at home?
Basically, penis enlargement at home is achieved by two approaches. The first is the stretching of the skin of the penis. Then, as the blood flows into it, it will get a little bigger. The second approach is to strengthen the erection itself so that the maximum amount of blood flows into the penis and becomes as large as possible with your natural characteristics.

Here's what you can do:
Massage exercise.The point is to apply lubricant to the penis and massage it gently, stretching the skin a little. This should be done every day, for twenty minutes, or even several times a day.
Jelqing.It helps not only to enlarge the penis, but also to improve erection. Here's what you need to do: First, apply lubricant to your penis. Then make a ring from your fingers and "place" it at the base of the penis. Then slide the ring from the base to the head, gently pressing and pulling the skin down.
Continue for fifteen to twenty minutes, but if your penis starts to tense or if you feel pain, stop immediately.
Tightening exercises.The movements here are reminiscent of those used to milk a cow. Yes, this is such an unromantic comparison.
In terms of technique, this exercise is very similar to jelqing: you have to move the skin down with your thumb and forefinger, and then pull it up and do this for about twenty minutes, but if you have an erection, you should stop and continue only when the penis relaxes.
Kegel exercises.These exercises improve blood circulation in the genital area, thanks to which you can achieve an improved erection: it will become more stable, blood will fill the cavernous body of the penis more abundantly, erection will occur faster and the penis willlooks bigger.
The essence of the exercise is that you have to tense the muscles that you tense when you want to stop urinating. Keep these muscles tense as you count to ten, and then slowly, as you exhale, relax. And repeat several times.
An important point: do not do these exercises while urinating, because this can lead to problems with the bladder - it will not empty completely and you will have to go to a urologist to solve this problem.
The pumps.These are basically sex toys, but their use is also prescribed for men with erectile dysfunction. The essence of the pump is that it guarantees a quick and intense erection, because it forms a vacuum around the penis, due to which the blood flows there sharply and abundantly.
An erection using a pump is more intense, more blood flows, so the penis also looks visually bigger. Using the pump is very simple: you just need to put the penis inside and turn on the toy. Plus it's often very enjoyable. However, there is a minus: if you overdo the pump, you can finish very quickly.
Penis extenders.These are devices that you put on your penis and wear for several hours a day. They are needed so that the penis gradually becomes longer. Wearing them is painless, but you need to wear them for a long time, for several months, so that the penis becomes longer.
Tablets to improve erection and potency.In fact, these pills work according to the same scenario: they act on the blood vessels, causing the blood to flow more abundantly and faster to the penis. Basically, it's the same pump, it's just that the pump works mechanically and the tablets work internally.
The most famous potency pills are PDE-5 inhibitors. An important point: it is better to use these tablets as prescribed by the doctor, and not without permission.
Aesthetic changes.The penis will look fuller and bigger if you shave the hair around it and also if you lose weight, and your belly will no longer hang over your pubic area, "taking away" the size of the penis.
Penile plaque.If you want to enlarge your penis to make your partner feel more comfortable with you in bed, then a penis cover may be the solution. The penis will not grow, of course, but it will get new pleasant sensations.
In addition to pillows, you can use sex toys - vibrators in the shape of the letter U, which are designed to simultaneously stimulate the inside and outside of a girl's vagina.
What exactly should you not do?
You should definitely not use any lotion "to enlarge your penis". This is pure fraud, they do not help. Most serve as a lubricant, but the lubricant itself can be purchased for much less money.
Also, you should definitely not continue any penis exercises if you feel even the slightest pain and discomfort. The genitals are sensitive and easily damaged, so do not take unnecessary risks.
Better yet, relax and have fun. With almost a hundred percent probability, everything is anatomically normal with your penis, and you can be a better lover because of other, much more important qualities.
The only effective way to enlarge the penis is plastic surgery. A special rod is inserted inside the organ, which really makes the manhood bigger. However, such an operation is performed only according to indications and has many contraindications. Other home remedies for penis enlargement are not only ineffective but can also cause serious harm. Men, remember the golden rule: it's not the size that counts, but the ability to use it. If you want to please women, study their anatomy, discover their sexuality, stimulate their erogenous zones. Then the need to enlarge your penis will not arise.